Annual GAP Training for Growers

GAPC coordinates Annual GAP Training to provide the opportunity for growers to learn from content experts about the latest crop, environmental, and labor best management practices. In 2024, 2,607 growers across 13 states were trained on good agricultural practices  in partnership with land-grant Extension specialists and agents. Our training program offer attendees GAPC training credits in crop, environmental, and labor management best practices.

Topics are chosen each year by GAPC and tailored by the Extension Educators and other content experts such as Federal and State agencies and organizations in each state to best serve the type of grower and regional concerns. 

Our Extension partners include:

Clemson University, University of Georgia, University of Kentucky, University of Missouri, North Carolina State University, The Ohio State University, Penn State University, Purdue University, University of Tennessee, and Virginia Tech University

Completing Annual GAP Training

GAPC continues to partner with county Extension offices, company members, and industry partners to offer in-person Annual GAP Training.  Check the GAPC Training Calendar for a list of training dates and locations.

  view calendar for training events

Growers have the opportunity to complete the 2025 Annual GAP Training online through the Grower Dashboard.  Online training offers growers the opportunity to complete training at their leisure on their time schedule from their home or farm office.  A variety of crop and environmental and labor management courses are available for growers to choose from to complete Annual GAP Training.




The 2023 GAPC Training Report is available 2023 Annual Training Report.pdf and includes statistics, training topics and resource-building efforts for all 2023 GAPC training activities.


GAPC Sponsorship to Help Support GAPC Training

Growers who attend training have repeatedly indicated that Annual GAPC Training is a critical source of information to improve management practices and that positive changes have been made in their operation from the information they gained by attending. GAPC sponsorship provides a unique opportunity for you and your organization to connect and engage with growers who are invested in the tobacco industry and are interested in producing a quality tobacco crop while protecting, sustaining, or enhancing the environment and ensuring the safety and rights of farm laborers.

Thanks to support from GAPC Company and Associate Members and sponsors, Annual GAPC Grower Training is offered each year at no cost. 

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor please review our sponsorship page and direct questions to Amy Rochkes at or at 865.622.4606.


 2025 Annual GAPC Training Sponsors