Associate Members

A consolidated arena where growers, companies, and stakeholders unite around good agricultural practices allows you, the associate members, to have an important voice. GAP Connections realizes the necessity of partner organizations that support our mission and the business of U.S. agricultural production. Your input and expertise is highly valued and allows us to do what we do better. You are a vital part of the process. Help support GAP education, training, and resource development. Be a part of connecting farmers through environmentally and socially sustainable good agricultural practices.

GAPC Associate Members Receive:

  • License to use GAPC Proud Supporting Member Logo after approval and completion of the GAPC Logo License Agreement,
  • Opportunity to have a table at all GAPC Annual Grower Trainings if registered to be a GAPC Grower Training Sponsor,
  • GAPC monthly newsletter and all other notifications and communications from GAPC concerning resources, training, or compliance,
  • Recognition as an Associate Member and Proud Supporting Member at GAPC events and on GAPC website.
  • Associate Members may also take part in GAPC working committees by request and approval by the GAPC Board allowing for a voice in the programs, policies, and practices of GAPC.

Associate Membership Qualifications

Any organization representing those who have a commercial interest in the agriculture industry (e.g., farm/grower organizations and input suppliers) shall be eligible for membership as an “Associate Member” of GAP Connections.  There are two types of Associate Members: Private and Public.  Those Associate Members representing a private organization or company are Private Associate Members.  Those Associate Members representing a public organization or company (including, for example, a land grant University or governmental agency) are Public Associate Members.  Associate Members will have representatives from their membership class to represent them on the Board of Directors. 

Current Associate Members: 

  • The Council for Burley Tobacco
  • Tobacco Growers Association of North Carolina


For more information about becoming an associate member, contact:

Jane Chadwell
Office: (865) 622-4606